Health & Diet Consultation Testimonials
Humane Rescue Society recommends K9 Service
for Health Consultation Services
Do Not Give Up Your Dog!

Housing Restrictions - Training Issues - Health Problems
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Solve Your K-9 Health Problems With Customized Health & Diet Programs
K-9 Health Consultations
Experienced Consultants Provide Information About Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Name: Cosmo
Age: 8 years
Breed: Beagle Mix
Help Request: “Cosmo is rejecting food and water and his stitches are not healing properly. He is lethargic and unresponsive and the vet doesn't seem to know what to do. Can you help us?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Cosmo's owner, Scott, further explained Cosmo's history: “Our dog Cosmo had been missing for weeks and when we finally found him he was malnourished, dehydrated, and had been hit by a car. After receiving emergency surgery for large cuts and a broken leg, we were finally able to bring him home. Almost immediately it became apparent that Cosmo was not recovering from his injuries as he should.”
HRS Services: Given the acute nature of Cosmo's condition, The Humane Rescue Society recommended that Scott receive consultation from K9 Service Academy. K9 Service Academy consulted with Scott about Cosmo's conditions and recommended some therapies, diet changes and additional natural remedies that were able to quickly stimulate Cosmo's immune system.
Results: Cosmo began eating and drinking again. His energy level returned to normal, and he fully recovered from the trauma in less than a month.
Thanks for referring us to K9 Service Academy.
When the vets did not know what to do, K9SA sure did.
And, Cosmo feels so much better!” Scott T.
These Dogs Were Helped with Health Consultation Services from
Name: Lancelot
Age: 10 years
Breed: Golden Shepard
Help Request: My dog has cancer and the Vet wants to do surgery, but he is very weak and I don’t think that he will survive it. Are there any other options?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Lancelot had a large tumor on the outside of his rib cage and his kidneys were beginning to fail. He was not eating his food and drank very little water. Things did not look good for Lancelot and his condition was rapidly deteriorating when the Humane Rescue Society was contacted for help.
HRS Services: Given the seriousness of this situation, Humane Rescue Society recommended that Lancelot's owner Mark contact K9 Service Academy for in-depth health consultation. K9 Service Academy consulted with Lancelot's owner about his conditions and quickly recommended some diet changes, additional natural remedies and therapies specifically customized for Lancelot's age and unique health conditions.
Results: K9 Service Academy's recommendations were able to fully reverse Lancelot's kidney problems and his tumor size started to reduce. Lancelot began eating and drinking again. His energy level returned to normal, and he lived for another four years. K9 Service Academy assisted Lancelot, again, when he required end of life care, and he spent everyday of his life fully active until his last hours that he spent peacefully transcending this life in the arms of his family.
“Thanks for putting me in touch with K9 Service Academy,
they really helped our sweet old Lancelot.” Mark Y.
Specialized Programs for Sick, Disabled, Elderly & End of Life Care
Name: Shelby
Age: 13 years
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Help Request: “My vet wants me to spends thousands on intensive treatment for my 13 year old dog. If I can't afford it the vet recommends that I put Shelby to sleep....there has to be a more affordable way. Can you help me?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Shelby was nearly deaf, almost blind and her lungs were congested with fluid causing her to wheeze after eating or when she was cold. Shelby ate very little food and drank very little water. The vets said that it would cost thousands to provide the care that Shelby needed. Many experts did not want to address these conditions because Shelby was 13 years old, and they often suggested euthanasia as the only option to ease the suffering of such an old dog. Luckily Shelby's owner kept searching for some relief for his good friend and contacted The Humane Rescue Society for help.
HRS Services: The Humane Rescue Society consulted with Shelby's owner, James, about Shelby's conditions and explained that there were other options. In addition, HRS recommended that James contact K9 Service Academy for in-depth health consultation services.
Results: . K9 Service Academy's recommendations for diet changes, therapies and additional natural remedies helped to expel the excess mucus in Shelby's lungs and eliminate her congestion. Shelby began eating and drinking more than she had in months. Her eyesight and hearing were improved and she lived to be 16 years old. K9 Service Academy assisted Shelby, again, when she required end of life care.
Dear, Humane Rescue Society I just wanted to let you know that Shelby passed away
a couple of days ago, but thanks to you and K9 Service Academy she spent the last
years of her life happy and without any pain or suffering.
Thanks again for all your help.” James N.
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Name: Roxy
Age: 11 years
Breed: Dachshund
Help Request: The vet has recommended that we put our dog Roxy to sleep. Can you help us save Roxy?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Roxy was a senior dog with a long list of health issues. According to her owner, Rick, “Roxy is overweight with cataracts in both her eyes and has chronic bladder infections. The vet says her kidneys and liver are beginning to fail and she is infested with mites that the vet can't get rid of. Roxy is not digesting her food and has an unquenchable thirst with no bladder control! I want to get help for her but it seems hopeless.”
HRS Services: The Humane Rescue Society explained to Rick that there was still hope and there were more options for Roxy than just euthanasia. HRS recommended that Rick contact K9 Service Academy for in-depth health consultation services. K9 Service Academy consulted Rick about Roxy's conditions and recommended therapies, diet changes and herbal remedies specifically customized for Roxy's rapidly deteriorating condition.
Results: K9 Service Academy's recommendations were able to fully reverse Roxy's kidney and liver problems. Her bladder infection was cleared up within two weeks and her cataracts seemed to improve. After a series of baths and topical oil applications the mite infestation was eliminated. Roxy began processing her food and water normally again and recovered her bladder control. As Roxy's health improved, her activity level increased and she was back to her old self in a couple of months.
“K9 Service Academy was able to save our Roxy, thanks for the referral” Rick C.
 Solve Your K-9 Behavior & Training Problems With A Customized
K-9 Behavior Consultation
Experienced Consultants Provide Information About Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
K9 Service Academy Training & Consultations
Name: Fritz
Age: 3 years
Breed: Shepard Mix
Help Request:I have spent 100's of dollars on trainers that could not stop Fritz's aggression issues and we are out of options. Do you have any ideas or resources that can help us?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Fritz was aggressive towards any people he did not know. He was very protective of his home and would bark and attack anyone that entered the house. In addition, he would lunge and charge at anyone on the street that passed too close or talked directly towards him or his owners. Skateboards, bikes, & children were just some of the outside triggers that sent him into an uncontrollable fit of aggression including barking, pulling, charging and extreme distress for both Fritz and his owners. Fritz also suffered from fear aggression with his owners and had bitten them several times when his owners tried to groom or bathe him. He was extremely fast and unpredictable. Fritz would get frightened of regular household items such as vacuums and spray bottles, and these triggers would cause Fritz to attack without warning giving his owners extreme anxiety about touching Fritz.
HRS Services: Fritz's family was led to believe they were alone in the world with this unique problem but that was not the case and the “experts” that they had been working with should have known this. We explained how this has happened to other dogs and that there is hope. Since Fritz was such a server case, we recommended Ken contact K9 Service Academy because they are real experts in aggressive dog rehabilitation.
Results: K9 Service Academy was able to explain why this aggression developed and resolved the confusion surrounding how to deal with aggressive reactivity conditions. K9 Service Academy's consultation sessions provided the tools and techniques necessary to resolve Fritz's issues. Even though multiple vets, trainers, and “rescues” could not offer any explanation or remedies for Fritz’s problems, the experienced experts at K9 Service Academy were able to provide peace of mind to Fritz's family by explaining this condition and providing solutions that were simple and easy to implement.
Thanks Humane Rescue Society & K9 Service Academy for saving Fritz from a shelter.”
Ken D. (Fritz' Owner)
Training & Behavior Consultation Testimonials
Humane Rescue Society recommends K9 Service
for Training & Behavior Consultation Services
Get Help for Dogs With Any Type of Behavior Problems
Name: Chief
Age: 4 years
Breed: German Shepard
Help Request: “One day after 4 years with no apparent cause or warning, our dog Chief became aggressive to our other dogs. I don't want to give up Chief but it seems like no one can help & I don't know what to do. Can you help us?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Chief was the youngest of 3 dogs that had all been living together since Chief was a puppy. They always got along running, jumping and playing together normally. Then, Chief (a male, Shepard mix) began exhibiting aggressive behavior towards the other dogs (6 yr. old male pit mix & 9 year old female lab mix). Chief's owners tried typical dog training, behavior therapy, different medications from the vet with only negative results. Chief's owners had resorted to keeping him separated from the other dogs for over a year while they searched for help. It was very difficult to keep all the dogs apart all the time and occasionally fights would break out that could not be stopped. Chief's fellow dogs had suffered injuries and were in constant danger. Chief's family was very stressed about this difficult situation and were losing hope that they would ever find a solution to this problem.
As the family lost hope Chief's behavior seemed to spiral further out of control. The aggression toward other dogs began to extend to small children, some bigger men and people wearing hats. Chief began lunging at people on walks and acted fearful in situations where he previously had no problems. Chief was still fine with his owners always very sweet and loving. Chief still loved cuddling and was generally a happy dog which made the situation very confusing and difficult for his owners, because they felt that they could no longer care for Chief, but they did not want to give him up or see him euthanized.
HRS Services: Chief's owners were at a loss and, as a last resort, turned to posting for help on craigslist. One of our Humane Rescue Society staff members saw their desperate plea for help and referred them to K9 Service Academy for a consultation session. K9 Service Academy has years of experience helping aggressive dogs and were able to offer multiple solutions to Chief's owners. K9 Service Academy reviewed all the programs available to help Chief. They suggested many options that Chief's owners were not aware of and explained techniques for implementing a customized recovery program. K9 Service Academy provided follow-up support during the process of correcting the aggression problems and worked with Chief's owners to eliminate the causes that led to the manifestation of the aggression.
Results: K9 Service Academy's rehabilitation support structure and consultation services helped Chief's owners resolve Chief's aggression problems; so that, Chief was able to continue living with his family without any further issues.
We called all the 'rescues' in our area,
but none of them offered any solutions,
and they told us they could not help.
We are so happy that HRS found us. You are the only rescue that actually helped us
and saved our family, Thanks again! Emma B. (Chief's Owner)
Saving Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Health & Training Consultation Services
Best Resource For All Dog Health & Training Needs
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Consultation Services
Specialized Programs for
Sick, Disabled, Elderly & End of Life Care
Customized Health & Diet Programs
K9 Health Care Resources
Experienced Consultants Provide Information Regarding
Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
Humane Rescue Society Can Help You Save Your Dog
Experienced Consultants Provide Information Regarding
Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Customized Health & Diet Programs
Better Support & Resources for Your Dog
Choose from the different types of  K9 Testimonials below:
Humane Rescue Society Saves Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Specializing in Sick, Elderly and End of Life Care for Dogs.
We also provide information regarding training, nutrition, and trouble shooting unwanted behaviors
through an understanding of the dogs behavior combined with quality nutrition and sufficient exercise.
Better Support to Help You Save Your Dog
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Nonprofit Organization
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
100% of all donations buys
food, housing & health products
for sick, elderly, disabled and
special needs dogs.
Customized Health & Diet Programs
Experienced Consultants Provide Information Regarding Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Health & Training Consultation Services
Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
Humane Rescue Society:
Adoption Counseling
Rescue Services
Retention Options
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
Resource Referrals
Nonprofit Organization
We Help You Save the Animals You Love.
Our Referral Services Include:
Service Animal Certification
Service Animal Registry Services
Landlord/Rental Agency Mediation
Consultation Services
Health & Training Resources
Get the Support You Need!
Humane Rescue Society Services Can Save Your Dog
Dogs have the same feelings you have.
How would you feel
if your family
took you to prison
& abandoned you?
Save Your Dog from the Animal "Shelters"
Animal Shelters are crowded, noisy, cold and scary places for dogs.
Taking your dog to the shelter will likely not save their lives.
Most of the dogs taken to shelters will be killed. 
Some No-Kill shelters will give dogs to labs to be tortured by experiments
Your Dog's Life Depends on You... Not A Shelter!
Enjoy the Testimonials About Some of the Dogs that Have Been Saved
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
Help for Dogs
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
The Humane Rescue Society Donation Fund
The Humane Rescue Society has established a donation fund
to provide assistance to sick, elderly & disabled dogs.
Dogs with health conditions require extra time and attention
that can be costly and hard to manage. 
With the assistance that the Humane Rescue Society provides,
many dogs are able to lead longer healthier lives with their families. 
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Don't Give Up Your Dog!
Housing Restrictions
Training Issues
Health Problems
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!